Tuesday, October 3, 2017

My Secret to weightloss

Lots and Lots of  friends , relative and acquaintance have been asking me how I lost my weight and the "DIET PLAN" the secret to losing 14 kilos......in 3 months
So I thought the best way to answer all of them is through blogging my Routine ......
We are all so lazy  asses waiting for a miracle and getting a shortcut to achieve that fat belly.....Well the fact is there is no shortcut..........
BUT wait !!!  there is an EASY way to achieve it. I'll be mentioning the things I did to start my weight loss journey. All the professionals make it seem like it's something so hard or unique that you can not achieve it without paying.....but that's not true.... u can start it right now from right this minute.

Every week i'll be giving out 3 more tips that will motivate you to keep you on a healthy diet......In this way at the end of the month u'll be having 12 tips which will definalty help u achieve ur desired weight ! ;)

If you want to know what should be your ideal weight msg me your age and height .......i'll let you know
click below to access my accounts..

my instagram account  or  facebook account

HERE are this week's 3 tips:

 U don't have to start a strict diet or exercise routine ( the ones we find on YouTube or all around internet)  directly from the first day u decide to start.....because by doing so , u will tire up your body, u'll just give up in two or three days.... which happens a lot  , it's because your body is not use-to of such harsh routine. YOU CAN'T JUST WAKE UP ONE DAY AND ASK YOUR BODY TO MIRACLY WORK LIKE DEEPIKA'S BODY , if you WANT that you need to treat it the same way.
U gotta pamper it my friend!!

Having  a sudden change which our body has never experienced gets disturbed and we get physically , emotionally and mentality frustrated.......
SO the best way is start slow.... built it up to that level of harshness......
Start reducing the amount of ur Food intake.....eat the regular food just start cutting down a little bit of fat and carbs daily....like if u eating two plates of rice daily make it one and half and after 2 weeks one plate.....
Same is the case If you are eating 2 chapattis(breads) or parathas reduce it to 1 n a half and gradually  one.
Start walking from 15 mins daily........n increasing your goals daily.
Reduce the use of oily things , try to keep ur self away from fried things, if u use to eat 5,6 samosas ...cut it to 2,3. and give that hungry shouting stomach some apple to calm down .
SO you get what I mean .... I guarantee you'll start losing one, two kgs in 15 days.......(starting slow) ;) and trust me that's a lot better than losing nothing...u'll start feeling healthier and happier


Keep your self hydrated!! ..... Its a simple one but it does wondersss....and it seems easy but trust me! when you Start counting how much you drink in a day you'll be shocked that you drink too less than ur body actually requires.....so keep a 1 liter water bottle with you , even if u r a house wife, keep it with you and drink after every 45 mins......... your body requires atleast 3liters a day.
One of the most important trick is to drink 2 glasses of water or at least one full glass of water before ur meal...u'll feel full with less intake than regular. and do not drink  for one hour after eating.
TRY to overcome your snack hunger with drinking water and fresh JUICES! I m saying fresh juicesss.....Cut out artificial , market juices out of ur life immediately!!! They are of no good!


If u have it , than that's great!! Otherwise Go and get one.....
Take it out and set it in your workout room or ur bathroom.....Trust me weighing ur weight every week, does motivates us.
It has a physiological effect....when u'll start eating healthy u'll start losing minimum of 1 kg every week and trust me , seeing that on weighing machine will make u happier like nothing else......it makes you feel like you r born again :D
AND you will automatically start gaining interest in ur weightlosss journey...THAT happiness of losing weight will keep yourself away from oily food.....because u will want that happiness to greet you again at the end of next week.....

So these are the 3 tips for this week, Just Start following them, I m sure it will help you to start up a new goal.....

Here the the diet plan I followed last week...I named it  #7dayliquidchallenge....what I mainly focused on was taking more of my calories from juices. That does not mean I ate nothingelse. I did but didn't consume much............... U can change the meals to ur liking BUT remember to reduce a little bit of the proportion of fat that you use to intake before today.....
hope it helps u.... I'd love it if u'll keep me updated daily by sending pics of ur juices n meals :)
I'll be posting a new diet plan tomorrow , which will be comprising  mainly of soups..... #7daysoupchallenge. So do follow me on my blog on Instagram to keep updated ...

Carrot and apple juice , scrambled egg
Leftover dinner from last day
or whatever's cooked at home
Milk and 3 dates  
 Pomegranate and watermelon juice
Chicken and rice/roti  with watermelon juice
Milk and 3 dates
Samosa,one pack of chips or anything u craving for
1 Brown bread, with peanut butter and one boiled egg
Watermelon juice, with some chicken and salad
Stir-fried liver with watermelon and cucmber juice  
Stir fried Liver , and watermelon juice
Mushroom and chicken cream soup (or any food cooked at home)
Milk and 3 dates
Breakfast of your choice
Milk and fruitchat
Chicken with peta bread….(large shawarma)
2 boiled egg with tea
(BBQ/steamed) chicken with some rice
Milk and dates
whatever you want but
small proportion
Kebab n salad with pomegranate juice
Daal chawal with salad n achar
(Or food cooked at home...)
Milk and 3 dates

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